About NSS
The NSS aims at developing the personality of the volunteers through community service. It exposes them to situations, which provide the volunteers an opportunity to have a close look at human, social and environmental problems. They are trained to bring about a harmonious relationship among different sections of the society.
There are two NSS Units, each with a strength of 100 volunteers in the college. All these units work under the guidence of trained faculty members, honwn as programme Officers. NSS volunteers are expected to put in atleast 120 hours of social /Community work during the academic session and also attend a minimum of one camp of 10 days to become for a certificate.
An annual cam p for NSS, volunteers is held every year, generally during summer break, at college as well as University level. Enrollment for NSS is carried at the start of the academic session as per schedule given in the institutional calendar. Students desirous of joining NSS should contact the programme officers.